Bahçeci Sağlık Grubu

About us

Prof. Dr. As Bahçeci Health Group, founded by Mustafa Bahçeci, we have been working non-stop to help couples have babies for 26 years . We provide services with the same understanding of quality and ethical values ​​in our centers in Istanbul, Ankara, Diyarbakır, Bursa and 10 centers in 5 countries in Turkey. Today, we are an institution that has managed to turn this dream into reality with our success in over 100,000 healthy in vitro fertilizations . Our Mission – To be a reference center in the field by following the scientific and technological developments in the world in the field of in vitro fertilization and contributing to science, maintaining the same technological standards in all centers, never giving up on ethical principles, focusing on patient satisfaction, and offering successful treatments above international standards with a strong team.


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Travel Satisfaction

Our Services

Female Infertility
Male Infertility
Pregnant Follow-Up

Tourism Package

Our team

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